For same day bookings text: 250.488.4630


Become a KARTPLEX Member

Membership is required to enter KARTPLEX Events

Members practice for FREE during open practice

(Check the Schedule for practice times)

$995 –  Annual Personal Membership

$1895 – Annual Family Membership (up to 5 drivers)

NOTE: Area27 Membership INCLUDES KARTPLEX Family Membership Above!

Non-Member Practice Pricing

 $145 / Full Day, $95 / Half Day –
Practice is available Tuesday-Saturday from 7:30-11:30am plus all day on non holiday Mondays.

All Karts must pass tech before going on the race track.

We enforce a strict 95dB @50m noise restriction

Please call if you are bringing trailer larger than 15′
Area 27 &  KARTPLEX Club Members – No Charge

(Check the Schedule for practice times)

NOTE: ALL Participants require either  a Pit Pass ($19/day) OR a KARPLEX/Area27 Membership.

Tuning and Service

Our experts can help you get the most out of your kart.

We  can fix, tune, clean, maintain, and upgrade most major brands of race karts.  We also offer concierge services (below) for those who simply want to Arrive + Drive! 

Driver Coaching

Our experienced instructors offer seminars, workshops and kids camps as well as group and private instruction.

Regardless of whether you are just getting started or trying to shave those last few 10ths for the big event, we can help.

On Site Kart Storage

  • $125 per month – Non members
  • $65 per month – Members
  • Dry, secure, and ventilated storage.
  • Discounts for for multiple karts.
  • Off season storage available
  • Ask about our full service Racking program.

**All Karts must have the fuel tank removed when in storage.

(We can not store fuel or flammables)

Concierge Rack Service

  • $115 per rack cycle – Non members
  • $55 per rack cycle – Members
  • Kart  Cleaned 
  • Nut and Bolt Check
  • Fluids and pressures checked and topped up as required

NOTE:  Racking is additional to Storage. Repairs, parts and fuel costs are not included in racking or storage services


Club Race

$165 Entry Fee
Membership or Pit Pass Required
MyLaps Transponder Required

Regional Events


Call for information


National Events



Call for information

Our Karts

KARTPLEX operates high performance Arrive + Drive race karts that are designed to offer you the sensations of racing machinery while remaining safe and serviceable.  click the icon for more info.

Our Track

Our State of the Art kart track has been designed by a world champion racing driver.  The many configurations will challenge the most skilled driver while allowing beginners to learn and improve.


Our Safety Systems

KARTPLEX is the first karting centre in North America to offer fully automated safety systems featuring Artificial Intelligence.  Our systems let you experience the thrill of wheel to wheel racing  while ensuring risk is kept to a minimum.


1. All drivers must wear the minimum specified safety gear

– FIA/CIK approved Karting Helmet with lexan visor (DOT is not enough…contact us for a list of certifications that are accepted)

– FIA/CIK approved karting suit

– Gloves

– Rib Protection

– All Drivers under the age of 16 must also wear approved neck protection

– All Drivers under the age of 13 must wear approved chest protection


2. All practice sessions must be reserved in advance by contacting Rose or Mike via email or Text (250 488 4630,  Please Provide:

– 48 hrs notice for Concierge Customers requiring rack (track prep) service

– 24 hrs for ALL other practice drivers and visitors


**We are obligated to track and limit our capacity at all times.  We appreciate your cooperation until current restrictions are lifted


***Telling Craig that you plan to come by to drive does not constitute or confirm a reservation!!  Craig is a nice kid…but he’s lousy at scheduling and administration so…Please make sure you make a proper reservation EVEN if you think Craig knows you are coming to drive your kart.

3. All drivers must accept our new terms and conditions for 2021 before you drive on-track  If you are able, please complete it at home before you arrive at the property in the interest of keeping contact to a minimum for the time being. 

– Click the Registration link on the website (Top Right of every page)

– Enter the email address you used to register

– Read over and accept the new terms and conditions

4. ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS, or ALCOHOL on the property

– Anyone expected of being impaired will be asked to leave

– NO SMOKING other than in the designated area at the west end of the parking lot

5. KARTPLEX is a Family Facility.  We have a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to dangerous driving, poor sportsmanship, biggotry or abusive behavior of any sort at our facility.  Kart racing needs to be fun for everyone!